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Friday, June 28, 2013

Float Friday #13 Lime Rickey and Orange You Glad its Summer!

Yes that is correct I have a double post today. This one was made for a friend of my moms 1st grade end of school party. While I didn't personally make the floats I did make the recipe at home. Another thing I wold like to add is a question: is a Lime/Cherry Ricky a Utah thing or is it a well known flavor? For those who have not tried a Lime Ricky I shall explain: it is a mixture of Sprite, grape suryp, and lime juice. And a Cherry Ricky has cherry juice instead of lime. So if you don't live in Utah and you can find a Lime Ricky please comment where you found one.

The ingredients:

Grape Soda
Orange Soda
Rainbow Sherbet
Lime Sherbet
Small Cups
Small Straws ( I just cut down normal straws using scissors )

Fill your glasses with a small amount of soda.

Scoop in your rainbow sherbet into the glass with orange soda and lime sherbet into the glass with grape soda in it.

And top with more of your soda and your straw!

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